Members of Georgia’s Congressional Delegation Label Biden’s Actions ‘Dangerous,’ Demand He Resign or Face Impeachment


U.S. Representative Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03) on Tuesday reprimanded U.S. President Joe Biden and said the president ignored members of Congress, military leaders, and intelligence agencies before he abandoned Americans in the Middle East.

Just the News reported Tuesday that Biden, in June, waived an important congressional mandate. That mandate would have forced members of the Pentagon to inform Congress, in depth, about the risks of withdrawing U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

Ferguson, via email, described Biden’s exit from Afghanistan as “feckless and downright dangerous.”

“While President Biden’s unwillingness to be transparent with the American people is unsurprising considering the scope and magnitude of his failures in Afghanistan, the nation deserves transparency and accountability from this administration for the tragedy that occurred in Kabul,” Ferguson told The Georgia Star News.

Other members of Georgia’s GOP delegation on Tuesday did not return requests for comment.

U.S. Representative Jody Hice (R-GA-10) emailed constituents Tuesday and, quoting Biden’s own words, said the president lied about getting all Americans out of Afghanistan before U.S. forces left that country.

“Today, in his address to the nation, President Biden stubbornly and unapologetically defended his withdrawal from Afghanistan. He claims that the ‘buck stops with himwhile simultaneously blaming everyone but himself. It is sickening,” Hice wrote.

“I firmly believe that President Biden has demonstrated that he is incapable of leading this nation. He should resign immediately. If he refuses to do, he must be impeached. Going forward, I am determined to hold President Biden and his administration accountable for their dereliction of duty throughout this debacle. They must be held accountable.”

According to Just the News, the Biden administration was barred from reducing troops in Afghanistan to less than 2,000 without first briefing Congress about the ramifications. But, citing national security concerns, Biden waived that mandate.

“The administration reportedly assured Congress for months that U.S.-trained Afghan forces could forestall a Taliban takeover when U.S. troops left. However, the Taliban overran the Afghan National Army and took control of Kabul on Aug. 15, as the last  troops were leaving, resulting in the chaotic and deadly evacuation of U.S. personnel and allies,” Just the News reported.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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